When I started blogging years ago, I wanted to try owning a digital diary where I could 'pen' my thoughts and claim a small part of the digital space as mine. In those days, I would blog about life in general and even include a poem or two.
Then motherhood came. I was so enthusiastic about this new journey I wanted to blog everyday, to chronicle the amazing moments and share them with everyone in the enormous worldwide web. Of course in reality, that was not possible.
The idea that mothers have a lot of free time because of our long maternity leave is a farce. Whatever free time a mother has is dedicated to the baby. Add to the equation a breastfeeding baby who needs to be fed on average every two to three hours, each time taking between thirty minutes to an hour, there really isn't much time to do anything else. It is even more difficult when you have two kids and have to spread your love and attention.
So all you people out there who think having an extended maternity leave is a jolly holiday for us mums, think again.
So why do I blog?
My blog is a representation of my life in words and visuals, and is filled with my stories as a daughter, sister, daughter-in-law, wife and mother of two.
It is a space where I share my children's adventures through life and document their growing up years. I am constantly inspired by them. Every moment with them is fun and filled with surprises and challenges. I want to share them with my grandmother in Hong Kong, so she can see and laugh at the funny antics of her great grandchildren. I want to share them with the whole world and proclaim just how amazing my kids are - they really are simply AMAZING!!
My blog is my expressive outlet. It is my digital diary where I pen the ups and downs I am facing in life and as a mummy. It is a very restorative experience, sometimes soothing and calming when I am troubled, other times stirring and stimulative, inspiring me even more. It may sometimes even be emotional. Much like in the past when I would keep my very own hard copy diary. Just that now, it is on the internet.
When I read through my blog again from time to time, I see how I have progressed, matured as a person and as a mummy. My blogging journey becomes a reflection of my journey in life.
Blogging used to be a one-woman show for me, but not any more. I am now connected with other blogging mums. We chat online, we meet and chat some more other lunch. Being a blogging mum is so much more fun and meaningful now.
So how long will I be blogging for? There's no expiry date to this blogging journey. I will blog for as long as I have the energy. Perhaps years down the road, when I am old, toothless with wrinkled skin and white hair, I will still be typing away (in mid-air perhaps?), chronicling my life and sharing with my grandchildren the life story that is their grandmother's.
This is my story.

My post is just one of 14 stories from 14 Singapore Blogging Moms on why we blog.
Next on the ‘Why Moms Blog’ blog train -
Jiahui from Mum’s the word is a 7 year old mummy who realised that it was close to impossible to remember every experience she had with her three kids. Since she couldn’t keep mum any longer, she stepped into the blogging world to journal down bits of what happens in her life.
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