Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Play Learning Tuesday: Amazing cardboard & straw maze

EV has taken a liking to mazes. It's a great activity to train her spatial awareness, eye & hand coordination, fine motor development, problem solving and the concept of overcoming challenges. She usually does 2D mazes from puzzle books, and I thought, why not make a 3D version so she can play with it?

Cardboard maze 1
So here is EV, all geared up for the big make-it task, excited at the prospect of playing with straws, one of her favourites.

Cardboard maze 2
Here's what you need.
A piece of cardboard. We used the cover from the diaper box that the kids' diapers come in (we buy our diapers in bulk)

First we secured the loose flaps of the cover by gluing down the sides. EV was really good at this, and needed no help.

Cardboard maze 3
While she was gluing, I cut up the straws into different lengths, measured and planned approximately where I wanted the straw pieces to go. Basically, planning out the structure of the maze. When that was done, I guided EV where to stick the straw pieces.

Cardboard maze 4
And then, the amazing cardboard and straw maze is done! Simple, fuss free, and this kept EV zoom-zooming all the way for a good 30 minutes.

What fun are you having with your kids today?


What is Play Learning Tuesday?
Play Learning Tuesday is a weekly linky hosted by Toddly Mummy where bloggers are invited to share their child-friendly play, learning and craft activities. Taking part for the first time? You might like to read the guidelines here first.

Toddly Mummy

Linking up with:

Tot School No Time For Flash Cards Activities for Children Lessons Learnt Journal Kids Co-Op Tuesday Tots

1 comment:

  1. Fun idea! We had some buildings made of cardboard and can do this to turn it into a little town :)


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