
Friday, February 17, 2012

B for Bear

Today, we focused on 'B for Bear', and started the session with the greeting song, before moving on to the 'b' feely card, the 'Bubbles Bubbling' phonics song. I introduced the theme and then we pasted the images for bear, bus, bee, bubble, bat and box on a Bb A4 sheet.  Together, we wrote the word 'bear' next to the image, and I got EV to repeat the spelling and letter sounds. We also wrote the words for the other images, but didn't dwell on them too much. Two words were new to her today - box & bat, and when I asked her to identify the bee image, she made the 'buzzzz...' sound. 

To match the theme, I also played the a 'B' phonics song - 'Big Brown Bear' from The Alphabet Zoo Songbook by Julia Gabriel. Later, on a doodle board, I showed EV the word 'bear' and also went through the letter sounds and demonstrated the prompting of the word using the sounds.

We did a bear mask craft from Jann's phonics class, and EV was quite enthusiastic about pasting the brown crepe paper to the bear face. We worked as a team today, with EV applying the glue and Mummy pasting the crepe paper. We then wrote the letters B and b, the word 'bear' in English and Chinese at the back of the mask.

For our closing song, we sang 'The bear went over the mountain'. I sang the song once wearing the mask, and I could literally see EV's eyes light up in delight when she saw that. In my preggy stage, I must have really looked like a bear. EV then put on the mask and moved around while I sang. We also did a little marching dance to show daddy our work. 

Story Time
We read the book 'Bare Bear' today before bed. I emphasized the word 'bear' every time we encountered it. Occasionally, I would also spell it out and get EV to repeat after me. She really enjoys the rhyming words inside.

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